Monday, June 18, 2007

BaseEstate now on Google!

Of course all sites should hopefully be indexed by Google but not many get linked to by Google. is now one the featured sample applications on the Google Base samples page. Check it out here.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

What do you want in real estate site?

BaseEstate is a user driven site. Tell us what you need in a real estate site that would make you switch over from your current site to us, or tell us what you don't like about other sites. Leave feedback in the comments or Have a look at BaseEstate here

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Want to be a beta tester?

If you want to try out BaseEstate and give some pre-release feedback email me on The first public release will be in 2-3 weeks.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007


A quick preview for the curious about what BaseEstate will look like.

BaseEstate is coming is rapidly getting close to initial launch. What is BaseEstate? In most simple terms it is a mashup of Google Base Real Estate data and Google Maps. So what, there are millions of other real estate portals you say, so whats so good about yours. Why BaseEstate is important is because Google Base is rapidly becoming the central data repository for all classifieds on the web. It will become the most comprehensive database for people searching for jobs, houses, cars or just about anything. The current tools that Google Base supply for getting at this data are great, but they are a bit short of what consumers expect from portals such as Zillow, Trulia or the big ones down under like Real Estate or Domain. BaseEstate hopes to close this gap.

Why mention Australia (if you 'got' the down under reference)? Because Australia will be one of the initial target markets for BaseEstate along with the US. Although Google Base has not officially launched down under yet with only a few hundred listings, everyone is waiting with baited breath. How the large portals like react to Google Base will be very interesting.

If you have any suggestions or feedback on the kind of features you would like to see in please let me know and I will schedule them in. Otherwise keep keep your eyes and rss readers open for updates on this blog because BaseEstate will be in town very shortly.